陈捍东(胡军)和蓝宇(刘烨)的爱情始于一场性交易,其时,蓝宇是为生活所迫决定出卖自己肉体的清纯大学生,陈捍东则是情场老手,惯做“花花公子”的他虽对特别的蓝宇怦然心动,却也认为蓝宇不过是他众多玩伴中的一个。慢慢地,随着两人交往的深入,陈捍东发现自己的心已在不知不觉间被蓝宇充满。可是他又不敢肯定,试图通过与女人结婚证明自己的“正常”,当求证到那不过是错觉一场时,蓝宇早已消失在茫茫人海。 真正的爱情故事总是令旁观者唏嘘感叹,无论它是异性间还是同性间的。而令旁观者感动的爱情,往往又是同勇敢、固执、单纯等简单却难拥有的质量联系在一起的,蓝宇(和捍东)正属稀少的那类人,所以他们的爱情才显珍贵。Beijing, 1988. On the cusp of middle-age, Chen Handong has known little but success all his life. The eldest son of a senior government bureaucrat, he heads a fast-growing trading company and plays as hard as he works. Few know that Handong's tastes run more to boys than girls. Lan Yu is a country boy, newly arrived in Beijing to study architecture. More than most students, he is short of money and willing to try anything to earn some. He has run into Liu Zheng, who pragmatically suggests that he could prostitute himself for one night to a gay pool-hall and bar owner. But Handong happens to be in the pool hall that evening, and he nixes the deal. He takes Lan Yu home himself and gives the young man what turns out to be a life-changing sexual initiation. Handong and Lan Yu meet often, and the boy is soon very secure in his love for the man. But Handong insists that he wants a play-mate, not a lifelong companion, and warns Lan Yu that they will eventually break up. Meanwhile, he showers...