斯黛芬妮(吉儿·修伦 Jill Schoelen 饰)依然沉浸在父亲去世的痛苦之中无法自拔,因此她不能原谅母亲早早改嫁给了一个名为杰瑞(特瑞·欧奎恩 Terry O'Quinn 饰)的男人。虽然在任何人看来,杰瑞都是一个合格的父亲,优秀的丈夫,但是斯黛芬妮在一次偶然中目睹过他诡异的一面,因此对继父充满了敌意。 奥格威(斯蒂芬·谢伦 Stephen Shellen 饰)正在调查一宗灭门惨案,案件的受害者是他的姐姐。奥格威的姐姐拥有过一段并不幸福的婚姻,之后,二婚的她本以为终于抓住了真正的幸福,哪知道自己的枕边人实际上是一名嗜血的变态,最终,她和她的孩子双双命丧无情屠刀之下,而凶手则一直逍遥法外。A family-values man named Jerry Blake marries widows and divorcées with children in search of the perfect family. As soon as his new family members show signs of being human and not robots who will march unquestioningly to his tune, his dreams of domestic bliss begin to crumble, and he kills them. Then he alters his appearance, assumes a new identity, and skips to another town to begin the deadly ritual all over again. He marries Susan Maine, who sees him as the ideal surrogate father for her teenage daughter Stephanie, and he is soon up to his old tricks when she proves to be too much of a troublesome teen to handle.