6个逃跑的囚犯和他们的女人质铤而走险的逃往墨西哥边境,在亚利桑那州的沙漠上他们偶然碰见了传说中遗失的财宝并发现了某种可怕的死亡(有关7个木乃伊的秘密)While being transported through the Arizona desert in a van, six convicted prisoners escapes after a car accident. Their leader kills the security guard and they kidnap a female guard trying to reach the Mexican border. In their runaway, they find a gold medallion and later they reach the house of an old Apache, and they ask the direction to reach Mexico. The Apache tells them that in the opposite direction there is a hidden Spanish treasure. They decide to seek the gold and they stumble in an old ghost town, where the friendly population is formed by vampires and zombies and the local sheriff Drake is evil.