这部由阿兰.德龙独力担纲演出的《江湖龙虎斗》续集,虽然不能说是一无是处,但成绩并不特出,充其量只是一部例牌的黑社会厮杀片。最令人不能满意的是它的故事既简单而又公式化,很多情节堆砌得不能叫人相信。剧情描述施弗迪为其好友卡巴拉报仇,而杀死了对头华邦的弟弟,但旋即又被华邦展开了大规模的反击。施弗迪被活捉,助手符南被抛入海中。然而华邦并没有处死他,而是将他灌醉后放入疯人院,后来又被抛入海中未死的符南救出。三年后他们挟雷霆万钧之势,一举将华邦奸灭。本片导演雅克.杜雷刻意塑造施弗迪这个不苟言笑,杀人无情的黑社会头子形象,但却有些造作之嫌。不过本片在技术方面却颇有水准。It's the early 1930s. Working their way up the ladder largely on chutzpah, Roch Sifreddi and François Capella, who became best friends in their unlikely partnership, have risen to the top of the organized crime world in Marseilles. Shortly after reaching the top, Capella is murdered. Sifreddi eventually learns that the murder was orchestrated by international businessman Giovanni Volpone, new to Marseilles from Italy, he whose ultimate goal is to take control of the city in all aspects, legal and illegal. While Sifreddi sees Volpone's action as the start of a gangland war, Volpone has other thoughts in sending a longer lasting message to Sifreddi and others who may want to fill his shoes. Volpone has specific reasons for wanting Marseilles, it a war he will want to wage in most of the western world to reach his end goal. Standing by Sifreddi in this war is Lola, a former prostitute friend to both Sifreddi and Capella, she who was Capella's girlfriend at the time of his death, and ...