本片是反映第二次世界大战的经典战争影片之一,尼尔森上尉带领一群勇敢的伞兵降落到了敌后的缅甸,他们的任务是破坏日本的一个雷达站。任务完成后,当他们准备按原计划乘飞机撤离时,发现这根本是行不通的,幸存的伞兵必须徒步105英里,穿越日军控制的丛林带,才能达到乙方阵地……A group of men parachute into Japanese-occupied Burma with a dangerous and important mission: to locate and blow up a radar station. They accomplish this well enough, but when they try to rendezvous at an old air-strip to be taken back to their base, they find Japanese waiting for them, and they must make a long, difficult walk back through enemy-occupied jungle.