剧情描述,清末民初,洋人高登欲聘一名武功高强的总保镖,公开征求各方武林高手报名比武。黄飞鸿(谷峰 饰)之表亲麦根(简森 饰)力图此职,惟恐黄飞鸿与之争夺,是以借机踢盘滋事,旨使彼在武林中失威。最后总保镖之职竟由土匪头子李天道(王侠 饰)夺得……Huang Fei-Hung, famous Chinese boxer, teaches his martial arts at Pao Chih Lin Institute, in Canton. Gordon is a European businessman, dealing in import and export, who's looking for a good bodyguard - for which he organizes a martial arts tournament. Mai Ken does not follow the advice of Huang, and finds himself up against a thug, Lin Tien-Tao, who wounds him in their match at the tournament. Li Tien-Tao and Teng-Hsi plan to rob Gordon's valuable jade collection that he is going to send by ship to Hong Kong, down the river from Canton. Li highjacks the ship and Gordon and his faithful men are dominated by Li's gang. Li takes the jade, but Huang Fei-Hung, who wishes to avenge the treacherous death of his friend Mai Ken, is waiting for him in the river's bank.