改编自真实事件。1983年,当时的格鲁吉亚还是苏联加盟共和国。两个出身精英家庭的年轻人尼卡和安娜正在紧张地准备他们的婚礼。然而,对于他们两人和前来的朋友来说,这样一个盛大的婚礼事实上是只是他们计划的一部分——他们正在策划着从苏联逃跑。就在婚礼结束后的第二天,这群年轻人开始了他们最疯狂的计划:劫持一架当地从第比利斯飞往巴统的航班,迫使它降落在土耳其境内,这样就能来到不属于东区的国家。但随着飞机缓缓离开地平线,一切似乎都渐渐失去了掌控Movie describes real events that took place in 1983 when seven young Georgians, all from intellectual elite families, attampted to flee the Soviet Union by hijacking an airliner. The crisis ended with a storming of the airliner by Soviet special forces that resulted in eight dead. The surviving hijackers were subsequently tried and executed.