一位艺术家在与两个女友为债务苦苦工作时渐渐变得精神异常起来。楼下的朋克乐队逐渐使他烦扰不堪;他的主顾要求他必须得完成事先承诺的巨型帆布油画的创作;更严重的是他还与两个女友大打出手。因此,当主顾嘲笑他的画作时,他便大叫,并开始一系列残忍的“发泄”行为……Reno is an artist struggling to survive in NYC. He draws inspiration from scenes of daily street life and occasional random violence. Under pressure to finish his oft-delayed grand masterpiece, his psychotic alter-ego takes over and he begins killing random vagrants to boost his creativity, not quite realizing that it is happening in reality. When an art dealer grimly rejects Reno's finished masterpiece, Reno's mental condition quickly deteriorates.