剧情描述第二次世界大战期间,发生在北非战场的一场战争。当时英德两军正处对峙,预作殊死之战的紧要关头,一名英军军官将关押在德军军营的盟军战俘释放,并组织率领他们从德军内部发动突然袭击。 注意:这不是隆美尔的传记片,不要搞混。Captain Foster plans on raiding German-occupied Tobruk with hand-picked commandos, but a mix-up leaves him with a medical unit containing a Quaker conscientious objector. Despite all odds they succeed with their mission. On the way they pick up and drug the mistress of an Italian general, blow up the entire fuel supply for the Afrika Korps, and swap philatelic gossip with Field Marshal Erwin Rommel.