

又名:五至七时的奇奥 / 五至七时的克利奥 / 五点到七点的克莱奥 / 克莱欧的五到七 / 克莱奥的五点到七点 / 5点到7点的克莱奥 / Cleo from 5 to 7


主演:科琳娜·马尔尚 安托万·布尔塞耶 多米妮克·达夫雷 多萝泰· 




巴黎,下午五至七时。美丽的女歌手克莱奥(柯琳妮·玛钱德 Corinne Marchand饰)正游荡在巴黎街头。她一袭黑衣,摘掉假发,面无声色地穿越着内心中的恐惧与焦灼。一切都由一份体检报告引发,她担心自己会如占卜的人所言,患上胃癌。忐忑不安的克莱奥游走在巴黎街头、咖啡厅、或是家里,遇到了各类形形色色的男人,她的情人或是朋友,对他们诉说她生命中的每一个段落,但似乎没人真正理解她。直到最后,她遇见了即将远赴阿尔及利亚战场的年轻士兵。在与他的交谈下,克莱奥开始重新看到了世界,坦然地面对现实。   由法国女导演阿涅斯·瓦尔达执导的成名作《五至七时的奇奥》,是新浪潮电影中一部举足轻重的作品。本片入围1962年第15届戛纳电影节金棕榈奖。Two hours from 17:00 to 19:00h on the longest day of the year in the life of a young Parisienne is presented. Florence Victoire, who is better known by her stage name Cléo Victoire (as in Cleopatra), is a singer with three hit singles to her name, and as such some renown. Two days ago, she went in for some tests for abdominal issues to see if it is cancer. She will be getting the results today at 18:30h. She is certain that it will be a terminal cancer diagnosis, her mind fixated on that outcome and what it actually means. This belief affects how she approaches the day, from her encounters with friends and acquaintances to what she observes in total strangers around her. It could be as simple as how she views the lyrics to new songs presented to her from her songwriting team, to her feelings about a conversation she overhears in a café between a couple having relationship problems, to the typical sweet nothings spoken to her from her lover, José. There are certain things that do temporarily take her mind off of waiting for the test results, but something will always bring her back to that as the issue of her day. It isn't until just before she is ready to call the doctor that she may get a different perspective of the day and thus her life in a chance meeting with a stranger named Antoine, a French soldier at the very end of a three week leave from the Algerian War.