町子凉(佐藤利奈 配音)的父母都在海外工作,相依为命的奶奶又不幸去世,小小年纪的凉不得不开始了独自一人的生活。没过多久,凉就发现,自己做饭的手艺竟然大不如从前,这让向奶奶保证勤练厨艺的她感到十分内疚。 一次偶然中,凉结识了名叫森野麒麟(大龟明日香 配音)的少女,麒麟热爱画画,能够进入东京的美术学校就读是她最大的梦想。受一直以来都十分照顾自己的阿姨所托,每个礼拜六,麒麟都会来到凉家暂住,家里多了一个人,连饭都变得好吃起来,凉这才发现,原来自己的手艺并没有退步。之后,凉又结识了千金大小姐椎名(小松未可子 配音),家中的餐桌上又多了一员大将!Ryo Machiko is a second-year middle school girl who has been living by herself since her grandmother died. Despite having exceptional skill in cooking, Ryo has felt her cooking hasn't been tasting good. That is, until she meets her second cousin, Kirin Morino, who comes to stay with her on the weekends to attend cram school in Tokyo and shows her the key to great tasting food; eating together with friends and family.