故事发生在充满了浪漫气息的布达佩斯。朵拉(朱迪特·谢尔 Judit Schell 饰)是在一家剧院里工作的驻院剧作家,在行业内小有名气。朵拉和男友交往多年,彼此感情十分稳定,携手步入婚礼的殿堂仿佛板上钉钉的事情一样。然而,就在这个节骨眼上,朵拉发现男友不仅已经结了婚,还有一个孩子。愤怒而又痛苦的朵拉选择了离开,并且发誓再也不要和男人扯上一星半点儿的关系。 虽然已经对婚姻失去了指望,但身为一个女人,朵拉仍然很想拥有一个孩子。朵拉将实现愿望的希望寄托到了剧院里新来的演员托马斯(桑朵·塞尼 Sándor Csányi 饰)的身上。托马斯是一个十足的花花公子,但这也就意味着,朵拉和托马斯之间,将仅有交易,没有感情。Dora rejects all men when she discovers that her fiance has been living a double life with another women throughout their relationship (he was married). But with her biological clock ticking, Dora feels the urge to have a baby. She places an ad, searching for sex with no strings attached. When she finds that her choices are limited to three men: Tamas, Ali, and Peter, Dora realizes that her plan is not as simple as she had anticipated.