1818年,美国田纳西州红河镇,镇上颇有名望的贝尔家一家之长约翰(Donald Sutherland 饰)因土地纷争遭到女巫凯瑟•拜茨(Gaye Brown 饰)的诅咒。不久后,各种恐怖离奇的事件相继发生,且逐渐升级。最终,贝尔家最小的女儿贝特西(Rachel Hurd-Wood 饰)被鬼魂附体, 从她的口中发出非人的诅咒:“贝尔家族必须有一人要死”。 贝尔一家想尽一切办法驱逐恶灵,但无济于事。他们必须面临即将成真的恐怖诅咒,以及家族中被隐藏起来的丑恶的秘密…… 影片根据真实事件改编,是美国历史上唯一一起官方承认的冤鬼索命致人死亡的案件,曾有20多本著作专述此事。In 2006, in Red River, Tennessee, a teenager has frequent nightmares. Her mother reads an old letter from 1817 written by her ancestor, Lucy Bell. After a dispute of lands judged by the church, her husband John Bell is cursed by his opponent Kathe Batts, who has a fame of being a witch. From this moment on, an entity threatens John and her daughter Betsy Bell, attacking the girl during the nights. With the support of Betsy's school teacher Richard Powell, who tries to find rational explanations for the manifestation; her brother John Bell Jr.; and their friend James Johnston, who unsuccessfully tries to exorcize the entity from the house, the family does their best to protect Betsy in the haunted house.