在南美洲人迹少至的热带雨林深处,经过六年的努力,生化学家罗勃肯贝尔博士,研发出一种癌症治疗法面临一项重大的医学突破。一位冷静的女性学者当可琳博士历经一段艰困的会面;这一对互相厌恶的伙伴终于产生了共同的尊重,而实际的爱苗也滋生于这片异国风情的热带雨林中……An eccentric scientist working for a large drug company is working on a research project in the Amazon jungle. He sends for a research assistant and a gas chromatograph because he's close to a cure for cancer. When the assistant turns out to be a "mere woman," he rejects her help. Meanwhile the bulldozers get closer to the area in which they are conducting research, and they eventually learn to work together, and begin falling in love.