现年35岁的小暮铁平(松冈昌宏 饰)是警视厅芝浦警察署生活安全课的巡查部长,这个丧失和活力的小人物梦想能迈入号称“黄金一课”的警视厅搜查一课担任刑警,可是上到搜查一课的管理官高野清文(古田新太 饰),下到被他辅导的少女,都对铁平嗤之以鼻,不放在眼里,甚至连女朋友也在其生日当晚与之一刀两断。郁闷的铁平进入梦乡,一醒来竟发现自己身处泡沫经济最顶峰的1990年。时间倒流似乎让搜查一课之梦成为可能,他连忙找到13岁的自己(田中伟登 饰),决心通过“过来人”的经验辅导小铁平实现梦想。不管是命运的安排还是神秘之人暗中操纵,他一次次穿越过去和现在两端,自顾自改变着自己和他人的命运…… 本片根据作家村上龙的同名原作改编。Matsuoka plays the role of Ogure Teppei, a 35-year-old policeman who dreams of being promoted to the First Investigation Division. One day, he suddenly slips back in time to 22 years earlier, at the height of Japan's economic bubble. There, he meets his optimistic 13-year-old self (played by Tanaka Taketo). In order to help himself find the job and life that he hoped for, he has his younger self try out different kinds of work. It is said that more than 15 jobs will be presented in the drama. Yokoyama plays a Tokyo University graduate who looks up to Teppei as an older brother. Kiritani plays a college student who works as a special teacher for prep school. Other cast members include Fubuki Jun and Furuta Arata.