一场毫无征兆的现代战争一触即发,无数大兵、先进武器聚集一地,战事愈演愈烈,导弹在天空中呼啸而过,子弹像雨点般的肆意飞散,形成了一道不可逾越的战争火线,而这道火线恰好阻隔了一对母子。年轻貌美的母亲不顾一切、试图只身穿越火线,救出年幼的儿子,但无奈于敌方火力封锁严密,而且她心中的机器怪物也是万般阻隔,这个冒险之旅对于一个女人来说就像一场噩梦,幸有一队勇敢的大兵舍身保护,但她能否克服千难万险,打败心魔,营救出儿子……The story is about a young single mother who is compelled to make her way at risk of her life to Ckhinvali, where her son is, whom she had sent there on the eve of the conflict. The film can be divided into two parts that alternate one with the other: one shows how in the eyes of a young boy the South Ossetian conflict transforms into a fantastic war story with super-robots, and the second shows the reality of the war situation and the journey of the main heroine.