喧嚣贵族 (英文原版字幕)The.Riot.Club.2014.480p.BluRay.x264-mSD.eng.srt


又名:骄子会(港) / 高富帅俱乐部(台) / 喧嚣贵族 / Posh


主演:杰西卡·布朗·芬德利 娜塔莉·多默尔 山姆·克拉弗林 道格拉 


喧嚣贵族 (英文原版字幕)The.Riot.Club.2014.480p.BluRay.x264-mSD.eng.srt


影片追随两位牛津大一新生,Miles(麦克斯·艾恩斯)以及Alistair(《饥饿游戏》男星山姆·克拉弗林),他们加入“骚乱俱乐部”(Riot Club)的过程和经历。根据电视特辑所说,骚乱俱乐部成员不到十人,都是精英中的精英,而要进入这个精英团体可不容易,随后的片段中,Alistair 就喝下了一杯,加了烟头、蠕虫等各种难以想象的恶心“佐料”的红酒。   影片改编自2010年火爆伦敦的剧作“Posh”,骚乱俱乐部的原型据说是牛津大学著名的布灵顿俱乐部(Bullingdon Club),英国许多政要,包括首相卡梅伦,伦敦市长鲍里斯·约翰逊都是其中成员。其奢华的晚宴,以及狂暴的“入会仪式”,比如在学校餐厅和寝室“打砸抢”等,也同样出名。SPOILER: Alistair and Miles, both with aristocratic connections, start their first year at Oxford University though they are very different, Miles is down to earth and happy to have a girlfriend, Lauren, from a lower background whilst Alistair is a snob with aspirations to follow his uncle, a Tory MP. The common bond is that both become members of the Riot Club, a long established elite drinking club priding itself on hedonism and the belief that money can buy anything. Having been barred from most establishments in Oxford they have their annual dinner at the function room in a country pub, where their rowdy behavior angers other patrons though they reimburse Chris, the landlord. They hire a prostitute but she refuses to perform group sex, then one of them rings Lauren, whom they importune to Max's horror. Getting progressively more drunk and ingesting drugs they start to trash the room and, when Chris comes to complain, Alistair savagely assaults him, landing him in hospital. Though shocked, none of the others do anything to stop him except Miles, who is attacked before ringing for an ambulance. The boys are all arrested but believing that the club is more important than the individual they agree not to give statements and suggest that Miles, as the newest club member, should take the blame for the attack on Chris.