



主演:柯林·奎恩 Devin Fabry Carla Oudin  




女孩艾米(艾米·舒默 Amy Schumer 饰),从小被父亲教导婚姻不现实,一夫一妻不现实,长大后热衷泡吧,一直与不同男人约会却从不恋爱。一天,身为男性杂志编辑的她,前去采访一位专为运动员治疗运动损伤的医生亚伦(比尔·哈德尔 Bill Hader 饰),不料遇见了可能终结她完美单身生活的真命天子。   本片由女主角艾米·舒默编剧,根据她本人的真实经历改编。Despite having a love/hate relationship with her scoundrel of a father Gordon Townsend, the one thing Amy Townsend has grown up believing from him is that monogamy isn't realistic, he and Amy's mom who broke up due to infidelity when Amy was young. As such, she gets drunk and stoned frequently in her pursuit of indiscriminate sex, with an unstated rule that there is no sleeping over once the sex is over. Her current "boyfriend", Steven, believes they are exclusive, not knowing that she sleeps with other men. Working at sensationalistic magazine S'nuff under head sensationalist Dianna, Amy is in line for a promotion, she certain to get it if her next story meets Dianna's scrutiny. That story is a profile of sports doctor to the stars, Dr. Aaron Conners, it despite Amy knowing nothing about sports. To Amy's amazement, Aaron wants to date her following their first sexual encounter, his sexual history in terms of quantity which is in extreme contrast to her own. Also to her amazement, she kind of wants to date him, the entire ritual of being the one person in another person's life a foreign concept to her. The road to a happy ending for the two is not guaranteed as their very different sexual histories and very different perspectives on sexual life may make them incompatible despite truly liking each other as people. Ensuring that his man Aaron is happy and doesn't get hurt in the process is someone who seems to take Aaron's personal life even more to heart than he does: LeBron James.