La belle que voilà(1950)

又名:Here Is the Beauty


主演:米歇尔·摩根 亨利·维达尔 露德米拉.车娜 亨利·阿里乌斯  

导演:让-保罗·勒沙努瓦 编剧:维基·包姆 Vicki Baum/弗朗索瓦·吉鲁 Françoise Giroud/让-保罗·勒沙努瓦 Jean-Paul Le Chanois

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La belle que voilà:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:Melodrama of two struggling artists whose love for each other is thwarted.She has some success as a ballerina despite being wounded by him in a fit of jealousy. His career as a sculptor is stymied when he is arrested.
