天伦之旅Stanno tutti bene(1990)

又名:天伦之旅(1990原版) / 大家一切都好 / 人人都很好 / Everybody's Fine / Ils vont tous bien!


主演:马塞洛·马斯楚安尼 米歇尔·摩根 瓦莱里亚·卡瓦利 马利诺· 

导演:朱塞佩·托纳多雷 编剧:Massimo De Rita/Tonino Guerra/Giuseppe Tornatore




日期 资源名称
2024-01-08 天伦之旅 Stanno tutti bene (Everybody‘s Fine) (1990)
2021-05-21 Stanno Tutti Bene - Giuseppe Tornatore - 1990.chs.
2020-05-28 Stanno Tutti Bene - Giuseppe Tornatore - 1990.chs.


Plot Summary:Matteo Scuro is a retired Sicilian bureaucrat (responsible mainly for the writing of birth certificates), a widower with five children, all of whom live on the mainland and hold responsible jobs. He decides to surprise each with a visit and finds none as he imagined. The film is a veritable travelogue across contemporary Italy, as Matteo journeys to Naples, Rome, Florence, Milan, and Turin to search for each of his children; he even spends one night on the streets among the homeless. Scuro returns to Sicily, visits his wife's grave, and reports with irony that "stanno tutti bene."
对于即将到来的旅程,斯库罗(马塞洛·马斯楚安尼 Marcello Mastroianni 饰)充满了兴奋和期待之情,在妻子去世多年,自己光荣退休之后,他终于要走出那一成不变的生活环境,去看望阔别已久的孩子们了。在重温亲情的路上领略异国他乡别样的景致,这样的经历想一想都 觉得美好。   但是,现实却并不如想象的那样完美。随着旅途的深入,斯库罗发现自己的五个孩子竟然各个都一事无成,更让他感到伤心的是,其中的一个孩子在不久前不幸死去,而他竟然对此一无所知。善良的孩子们试图用谎言来安慰失意的斯库罗,而面对妻子的亡灵,斯库罗也说出了同样的善意的谎言。幼者和长者,死去的人和活着的人,一段真实又细腻的感情在亲人间缓缓流淌。
