The Shawn Michaels Story: Heartbreak and Triumph(2007)


主演:肖恩·迈克尔斯 保罗·莱维斯克 


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The Shawn Michaels Story: Heartbreak and Triumph:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:He is one of the most charismatic showmen ever to grace a WWE ring. He is HBK: The Heartbreak Kid - the most resilient champion in WWE. And pound for pound, he may well be the toughest. He was the first Grand Slam champion - the only competitor to hold every title WWE had to offer at the time. Weighing in at 225 pounds, he was WWE Champion on three occasions, defeating men who were close to twice his size. From the very beginning of his spectacular career Michaels gained a reputation for pushing his body to extremes. He was willing to go the limit: to do whatever he had to do to put on a stunning show - and eventually his body paid the price. In his early thirties, an age when most Superstars are hitting their prime, Michaels had to bow out of the spotlight, plagued by recurrent injuries which had ended - or so he thought - his career. But then, sensationally, after four years out of the ring, in June 2002 'The Showstopper' returned to a rapturous reception from which he has never ...
在群雄逐鹿、狼烟四起的年代,Shawn Michaels以其瘦小的身子打出一片天地。自幼对摔角的狂热,令他的前途虽坎坷却明朗。不满足于平静校园的他很快走上职业摔角手的道路,他最早经墨西哥摔跤手Jose Lothario的指点,以MSW和AWA为起点,不断磨练自己。   最初的“午夜摇滚小子”(Midnight Rockers),和好友Marty Jannetty一道成为最优秀的双打组合之一,并得到WWF的赏识。之后的单飞为他带来更大的荣誉,洲际杯冠军、欧洲杯冠军、皇家大战胜利者、WWF冠军、世界重量级冠军。Shawn Michaels一步步成为职业摔角中的顶尖王者,是整个摔角界难以再现的传奇。   本片通过大量的影像资料和采访回顾了Shawn Michaels传奇的摔角生涯。
