Triple H:王朝降临Triple H:Thy Kingdow Come(2013)

又名:Triple H - Thy Kingdom Come


主演:保罗·莱维斯克 Kurt Angle 史蒂夫·奥斯汀 马克· 

导演:Kevin Dunn 

Triple H:王朝降临:在线播放

Triple H:王朝降临:最新迅雷BT资源

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Triple H:王朝降临:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:In this rare match from his earliest days in sports entertainment, the man who would was not yet known as The Game takes on the legendary Ricky Steamboat on WCW Saturday Night.
即使你忘记了他的绰号,即使你忘记了他的口头禅,光是看看那些难以数计的冠军头衔,都足以令你顶礼膜拜。身为WWE两大派系的领头人,从专家断言将会结束职业生涯的伤病中走出,你可以忽略这些关于他的事实。   只需要一句话,以妥善总结Tripe H的优秀:The Game is over。
