
又名:Kuuchuu Buranko

主演:三矢雄二 朴璐美 杉本有美 森川智之 樱井孝宏 三木真一郎  

导演:中村健治 角铜博之 植田秀仁 贝泽幸男 地冈公俊 小川孝治 福本洁 羽多野浩平 铃木清崇 编剧:石川学 Manabu Ishikawa




Plot Summary:Many patients with different problems visit the psychiatric ward of Irabu General Hospital; a trapeze artist suffering from insomnia after suddenly failing his jumps, a gangster afraid of knives and sharp objects and a business man who has an erection 24 hours a day. They undergo counseling by Dr. Ichiro Irabu, who is the child-like son of the hospital director. His assistant is the sullen faced sexy nurse Mayumi. With his mysterious injections, and advice that does not make sense, Dr. Irabu confuses his patients. But at the end of his unique treatments, the patients are lead to digging further into their souls to find peace of mind.
故事发生在伊良部综合医院精神科,作为那里的主治医生,伊良部一郎(三矢雄二 配音)每天都要面对形形色色的怪异患者。杂技演员山下公平(森川智之 配音)作为空中飞人的表演者成功次数为零。猪野诚司(高桥广树 配音)身为黑道的首领,却患有害怕一切尖锐物品的尖端恐惧症。棒球投手坂东 真一(浪川大辅 配音)即将要因为心理障碍而被驱逐出心爱的棒球队。畅销小说家星山纯一(三木真一郎 配音)正被怀疑自己的桥段已被使用过而饱受苦恼。   这些看似怪异的疾病其实指向的正是患者的内心,在超级美女助手真由美(山本由美 配音)的帮助下,一郎将撇除偏见,指导他们如何直面内心的恐惧从而达到自我痊愈的目的。
