六神合体 剧场版六神合体ゴッドマーズ 劇場版(1982)


主演:水岛裕 三矢雄二 纳谷悟朗 

导演:今沢哲男 编剧:横山光辉 Mitsuteru Yokoyama

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六神合体 剧场版:剧情介绍

Plot Summary:The movie is just a recap of the first 25 episodes of the TV series. A.D. 1982, the planet alignment brought the human beings ordeal we should overcome, and it caused a convulsion on the Earth. During the conflict, a light fell on to the Myojinsho reef, and five lights scattered around the Earth as if they followed it. 17 years had passed since then. A.D. 1999, human beings had developed all of the solar system, and began to embark for outer space. The Earth Defense Army organized an elite squad, Crasher, to provide for various happening in space. Myojin Takeru was the member of the team. He was found in the light fell on to the Myojinsho reef. Actually he was Mars who was born on the planet Gishin. When he grew up, he heard unearthly voice, "Mars, stop the Earthians' advancement to the space. Explode the Earth" He was a living triggering device that had been sent by Emperor Zure, who plotted to conquer the universe. However, Mars, who had been raised as an Earthian, rejected the ...
TV版动画《六神合体》凭借新颖的光效和美形角色取得了成功,特别是受到了众多女性FANS的喜爱。TV版尾声阶段,约有12万热心的FANS署名要求制作方将《六神合体》制作成剧场版。最后,制作方东京MOVIE新社应支持者们的要求完成了这部剧场版,并在TV放映结束后公映。   剧场版在剧情上是浓缩了的TV版剧情,因此不再多做介绍。有趣的是,在剧场版的最后的STAFF介绍中有一个特别的感谢名单,是制作方从12万多署名的FANS中特别抽取的数百名FANS的名单。
