捕鱼监督机构的的高级监察员认为他身边所有的人都是罪犯,这些人稍有违规,他都决不轻饶。在一个荒废的林中木屋中,他发现了一个弃婴,并救了他。他对发生的事情感到震惊,他突然明白,不能再指摘他人,在他的生命中首次心生怜悯。Learn to forgive others, and get forgiveness to yourself. In the forgotten taiga village lives a gloomy and unsociable Trofim Rusanov, senior fishing inspector. He is used to the fact that each day is filled with routine. But one day, on his usual round through the wood, Trofim faces a shocking discovery. He finds a baby in an abandoned forest house. For several days he wanders around the severe uninhabited taiga, fighting both for his life and the life of the little child. Finally, Trofim finds the way home... He wants to find a woman who left a baby in the forest. It takes for him a superhuman effort to find the baby's mother. But this long quest leads him to another, completely different find.