影片讲述了一个家庭从上世纪九十年代至今的故事。家中有着截然不同的三个孩子:富有责任感,努力寻找着生活与工作的平衡点的长兄安卡萨,充满野心并正在申请美术研究生的次女奥萝拉,以及经历人生中第一个重大失败的三妹阿旺。在他们的概念里,家庭就像是父母用爱堆砌而成的监牢,由他们保守的父亲纳伦德拉及温顺的母亲阿珍共同构筑。当阿旺起身反抗父亲对自己的期望时,她引爆了这个看似完美的家庭背后所有的问题。三兄妹们也由此发现了残留在这个家中,从未被抹平的情感创伤。Every family has a secret. Angkasa (Rio Dewanto), Aurora (Sheila Dara Aisha), and Awan (Rachel Amanda) are siblings who live in happy-looking families. After experiencing her first major failure, Awan meets Kale (Ardhito Pramono), an eccentric guy who gives Awan a new life experience, about broken, up, falling, growing, lost and all the fear of humans in general. Changes in Awan's attitude under pressure from his parents. This prompted the rebellion of the three siblings which led to the discovery of the secrets and great trauma in their families.