在一个月黑风高的夜晚,一座废弃的精神病院内,令所有市民闻风丧胆的疯狂杀人魔成功地策划一次脱逃行动,而奉命为这位狂人做精神分析的心理医生玛姬与一群安全警卫,在命运的残酷作弄下,与杀人魔一起被困在精神病院中;警卫们接连惨遭毒手而数目骤减,一同受困的清洁工奎兹成了玛姬医生唯一的帮手,然而,奎兹也有可能是被遗忘在院中的精神病患,一颗不知何时会爆发的不定时炸弹……Asylum is a taut psychological thriller about a deranged fearsome killer running lose in an abandoned high security Asylum. Pitting the county psychiatrist Dr. Maggie Belham against the psychotic maniac, Dr Belham is trapped in a maze of corridors, and her only help is the janitor, Quitz who may in fact be a forgotten asylum inmate.