众人眼中的可爱少女小美突然人间蒸发。与她生命轨迹交集过的九个人物,透过访谈与回忆,逐渐拼凑出小美的生命轮廓。房东、前男友、美容公司老板、母亲各自搓揉记忆,黏合出一尊模模糊糊的人物塑像。害羞不安的吸毒少女倏忽往来过去与现在,如今肉身何处、灵魂何在,却没一个人能说得准。导演黄荣昇首部长片即入围柏林影展面面观单元,金马奖最佳导演锺孟宏担任监製兼亲自操刀摄影,《大佛普拉斯》(2017)导演黄信尧献声旁白加持,把悬疑神秘与黑色迷幻共冶一炉。在熹微暗晦的光影中,一个依稀身影,流离于冷漠的台北街角,孤寂苍凉。Xiao Mei is a girl, frail and mysterious. And now she is missing. Through the interviews and memories of nine individuals who all had connections to her, the puzzle of Xiao Mei's life is gradually pieced together. None of them know where Xiao Mei has gone, but all of them desperately hope she is okay, so that everything will be all right.