中日混血少女李红龙(志穂美悦子 饰)的哥哥李万青(宮内洋 饰)表面上是一个所向披靡的拳王,私底下则是香港皇家警察派往日本稽查毒品的密探。但在某次侦查时,李万青神秘失踪,香港警方万般无奈,派李红龙前往日本横滨调查。 红龙抵达日本,得知哥哥的失踪与商人角崎重臣有关。角崎以普通商贸作掩护,暗中进行毒品走私活动,手下更豢养一批来自世界各地不同流派的格斗高手。得知红龙到来,角崎派出爪牙追杀。在少林寺拳法宗师藤田(内田朝雄 饰)及其弟子响征一(千葉真一 饰)、绘美(早川絵美 饰)的帮助下,她与角崎犯罪集团展开了周旋和对抗……Lee Long is a martial-arts champion who the police use as an undercover agent to infiltrate a drug ring responsible for importing heroin from Japan to Hong Kong. When he is identified and imprisoned, the police pressure his sister, Tina Long, to help them locate and free him. She gets the help of Lee's martial-arts school, including the powerful Sonny Kawasaka, for the inevitable battle-royale with the drug gang, which includes masters of many different 'schools' of fighting.