毒贩特洛伊因为得罪了黑帮老大德米瑞,被迫离开洛杉矶去迈阿密躲避风头。两年过后,特洛伊的生活很不如意,还因为一场枪战使腿部致残。他回到洛杉矶想要重整旗鼓,并约见了以前的搭档皮特和艾尔。然而这两人对特洛伊的到来心情复杂,因为他们已经效忠于德米瑞。但一无所有的特洛伊,仍要不惜一切代价,夺回原本应该属于自己的东西。When TROY turned on crime boss DMITRI DEBARTOLLA he was forced to leave Los Angeles and lay low in Miami. After two years, and the loss of his leg in a shootout with a Cuban crime syndicate, Troy returns to LA to reclaim what is rightfully his. A reunion with his former partners in a rundown hotel sets the stage for an explosive encounter where past and present collide.