“汤华特”队长与另外四个身经百战的机师参与一项国防部绝密试验训练,在训练过程中,另外两名机师在不可能发生意外的情况下却人机俱毁。“汤”决定找出事实真相,竟然发现与自己夜夜尽欢的女友竟是上司安排在自己身边的卧底,自己被出卖并由此遭到连环追杀,“汤”得上将相助设计将上司杀死并拘捕自己的女友。 “上将”为证明试验训练的安全性,决定自己亲自与“汤华特”队长以及另几名机师进行飞行演习,汤华特队长通过仪器显示,与自己飞行的机师正在用导弹锁定自己,并受到机枪扫射,汤利用其超高超飞行技术将其击落,并要求“上将”停止训练,此时“上将”突然命令他们去袭击一架客机,客机上全是政府高层要员,包括国防部长……Captain Tom "Outlaw" Waters is one of four Air Force pilots taking part in a "black" Defense project involving virtual reality. The project is managed by a secretive Colonel Anderson and overseen by General Breslaw. When two of his colleagues die during test runs after some erratic behaviour in the flight simulator, Waters begins to believe that there is a conspiracy among his superiors. He even begins to suspect his new lover, Caitlin Cole.