一晃眼数年过去,珍妮弗(莎拉·巴特勒 Sarah Butler 饰)却依然深陷之前的阴影之中无法自拔,惨不忍睹和回忆和梦魇纠缠着她,她唯有寻求心理医生的帮助。珍妮弗参加了一个女性互助小组,在那里,她结识了一名特立独行的新朋友马拉(Jennifer Landon 饰)。 马拉的一言一行影响和改变着珍妮弗,在互助小组中所听到的那一个个悲惨的故事亦深深震撼着珍妮弗。在马拉的带领之下,珍妮弗和她一起展开了针对男人的报复行动,起初只是威胁和恶作剧,之后却慢慢演变成为了彻底的暴力,在此期间,珍妮佛逐渐发现了内心里对于男性的仇恨。某日,马拉死了,死前受到了非人的折磨和虐待,珍妮弗怀疑这一切同她那身强体壮的前男友有关。Jennifer Hills is still tormented by the brutal sexual assault she endured years ago. She's changed identities and cities, reluctantly joining a support group where she begins to piece together a new life. But when her new friend's murderer goes free and the tales of serial rapists haunt her, Jennifer will hunt down the men responsible and do what the system won't - make them pay for their crimes in the most horrific ways imaginable. Only this time, no jury may be able to save her.