罗马尼亚的单亲妈妈“玛拉”,在美国短期工作时与病人丹尼尔相爱并结婚了。婚后,玛拉把她的儿子德拉戈斯接到美国,准备让他在这里开始新的生活。德拉戈斯开始并不愿意,但也渐渐熟悉并适应了新的环境,与他的继父关系越来越好,顺利进入了本地学校就读。然而,事情并不如想象中那么顺利......绿卡申请被反复审查,要设法摆脱移民官的骚扰,还要忍受丈夫的猜忌,玛拉将如何带着孩子开始新的生活……Mara, a young Romanian woman, has just moved to the US with Dragos, her 9-year-old son, marrying Daniel, an American she has met only a few months ago. The film follows her through a series of revealing encounters during one day, from her problems of babysitting, her unplanned and uncomfortable meeting with a U.S. immigration official, to dealing with the police about her son she had to leave in a motel room and the bank issue for a loan with her husband.