夏天,某个乡下小镇。春野吉子突然接到一个电话,是爷爷的讣告。她走到阳台上探出头,向在一楼院子里的父亲清二大声喊道,“听说爷爷去世了。” 为主持葬礼,清二和许久未见面的兄弟带着各自的家庭又聚在了一起,然而繁琐的准备工作让他们焦头烂额,甚至没时间去感伤。一些琐碎小事成了导火索,让兄弟间暗藏的不和一触即发,纷纷把各自不上台面的真实想法都吐露出来。看着吵成一团的亲戚们,吉子一心打算置身事外……When the man dies the family members gather for their father and grandfather's funeral and cremation. The pain is real and sketched on each of their face's. It is clear that the man meant something to each of them. However, what occurs next surfaces inner feelings, which due to their nature, would normally remain buried. Could it be the catalyst for their catharsis?