吉姆是一个学校公认的问题儿,因此受到一个研究机构的“特别照顾”进行心理辅导,殊不知这个机构是由外星人建立起的地球分基地,并且使用一个大脑怪物来控制附近居民的心智,当吉姆意识到这点时一连串追杀随即而来……(这里面的怪物超赞,大脸猫的究级进化版!) 血腥度:3 片中怪物数量:2 怪物类型:外星生物+变异 怪物特点:控制人心智、让人产生幻觉、随着吃人而增大、无处不在 怪物必杀技:幻象术、钢牙铁齿、迷魂大法、超进化 怪物恶心度:4 ————————————by zombiehunterDr. Blake runs a TV show called "Independent Thinkers", which is sort of a Scientology-like self-help/religion program. But he's not making his audience think any more independently - with the help of an alien organism he calls The Brain, he's using brainwashing and mind control. The only thing that stands between them and world domination is a brilliant but troubled high school student with a penchant for pranks...