老杨曾是财富激荡时代的乍富阶层,如今已破产多年,赋闲在家。某日他挪用老婆的救命手术费让子女们忍无可忍,一出儿子绑架老子的荒诞闹剧上演,老杨怒其不念养育之恩,毅然把不孝子告上法庭……这出现代家庭闹剧终以悲剧收场。Lao Yang is an Erdosian businessman well in his 60s. He was broke years ago due to local economy decline. One day, he misappropriates a sum of money his children gathered for his wife's surgery. The children hold him in custody, forcing him to return it back. Lao Yang, outraged, takes them to court - It appears to be a reckless choice, which kicked off the whole family tragedy.