战争冒险题材经典彩色片。1944年,以上尉和军士长领衔的美国海军陆战队侦察小分队先行登陆日占菲律宾群岛,寻找美军情报人员接头、为麦克阿瑟将军重返菲律宾清障排雷的故事。其间伴随着一位新兵的成长与其他小分队成员以及亚裔女情报人员的牺牲。战争中的兽性与不可测的死亡。惊悚悬疑,扣人心弦,死亡不断,火爆精彩。With General MacArthur poised to strike against the Japanese defenses in the Philippines, a group of nine Marines are given a secret mission.They have to secretly land on a Philippine island in order to contact a spy who has information vital to General MacArthur's planned invasion.When their captain is killed, sergeant Corey takes charge of the group.The patrol fights its way through the Japanese-infested jungle, and only five Marines remain when they finally reach their destination.The group's radio has been destroyed, and they are unable to communicate with their base.It means that even if they find their spy and retrieve the vital intelligence they will be unable to relay this information to General MacArthur's headquarters.The Japanese, already alerted to commando's presence in the area are closing in.The Marines are running out of time.