一宗令美国震惊的谋杀案,一个真实的故事。知道你的孩子在哪里吗?知道他们到了晚上做什么吗?1996年11月,17岁的珍妮回家后,发现父母倒毙在家中遭人残害致死。长官跟随著线索,揭发了一宗骇人的凶杀案……这是一个由一群十七、八岁的孩子组成的秘密组织。他们自称是吸血鬼降世,并以种种大胆恐怖的行为来满足少年的好奇和不安。通过当事者的自述,探员将零碎的资料整理过来,但什么才是合乎常理的解释?Five friends welcome real life vampirism into their lives. They cut their own wrists and let their friends drink from them. Rod, the leader, and a very psychotic young guy, ends up killing Heathers parents and stealing their car to go on a crazy road trip. His behaviour begins to frighten his friends, though they went along with it at first. All end up in prison except Heather.