古色古香的京都,奇妙的恋爱之旅正在展开。春天,黑发少女踏上寻找伪电气白兰地的夜之旅,学长却被从天而降的锦鲤砸晕;夏天,少女在旧书市寻找心爱的童年绘本,学长则面临残酷的火锅地狱;秋天,身背红鲤鱼的少女化身不倒翁公主,与拼死出演顽固王的学长相遇在学园祭的舞台;冬天,手持梦幻感冒药的少女打倒感冒之神,与学长一起向京都的天空飞去……The story of the titular girl known only as "Otome" and her insanely long night of partying and drinking-complete with a book fair, festival, and many adventures in between. It is also the story of "Senpai," her upper class man who has been attempting to get closer to her by "coincidentally" running into her again and again. However, on this night, meeting up with her may be the greatest challenge of his life.