1900年,德国北部的沃尔普斯韦德小镇。从他们相遇的那一刻,保拉和奥图就感受到了生命的共振。对绘画共同的热爱让他们的感情更加伟大。他们虽然结了婚,却过着和当时社会习俗所认同的不一样的生活。保拉在艺术的世界里活出真我,铸就了美好人生。This movie, set in the 19th and 20th Century, follows the life of the german artist Paula Modersohn-Becker. It especially focuses on her most productive years in Worpswede (Germany) and Paris (France). One central topic is the discrimination of women in the world of art, while the story also follows Moderson-Beckers relationships with other artists and poets of her time, friends and family.