关注当下农民试图挣脱土地束缚的五段式纪录片,每一段前有导演的引言,以伞为若即若离的线索串联起来。 第一段:广东中山的制伞工厂里,不同年龄口音的农民工在辛勤的工作,有人在缝纫机上写着“坚持就是失败”。工厂内张贴的薪资调节通知单说明,他们的报酬并不高。 第二段:浙江的大型小商品市场里,农民出身的雨伞销售商与擦鞋女们的命运开始有了不同方向的可能。 第三段:上海,某面对大学生的招聘会上人头攒动,有一些学生在教室里进行毕业的准备,窗外阴雨绵绵,他们打着伞行色匆匆。 第四段:某部队中,新学员们有条不紊的训练、学习。驻地周围的景色看上去有些荒凉。 第五段:河南某地的麦子成熟了,然而村里却少见到年轻人的身影。土地曾是农民安身立命的根本,但年轻一代如今只想脱离她。Workers, peasants, soldiers, students and merchants were five groups of Chinese society in the 1950s, after the so-called elimination of the exploited class. Borrowing this concept, the umbrella is taken as the clue to rediscover changes in various social classes after the economic reform, and to analyze the social problems in China. Workers making umbrellas, merchants selling umbrellas, students looking for jobs in the rain. Umbrella is used as a metaphor that can be seen everywhere. As the raindrop, what we see is sometimes clear, sometimes untraceable.