“选角指导”是奥斯卡从未颁发的奖项,但却需要具备“慧眼识巨星”的好眼光。本片向好莱坞资深选角指导—玛瑞恩多尔蒂致敬,揭露这项容易被影迷忽略的职位背后所具的深远影响力。且看艾尔帕西诺、劳勃迪尼诺、克林伊斯威特、伍迪艾伦、马丁史柯西斯……等巨星名导,现身谈论他们与选角指导的切身合作,更可一睹巨星们当年的稚嫩模样。This documentary focuses on the role of the casting director in movie making and particularly on Marion Dougherty. She began work in the late 1940s sending up and coming young actors to be cast in the then new medium of television. It wasn't until the 1970s that the contribution on casting directors was recognized in film credits and even today there is no Oscar awarded for that role in filmmaking.