一位老者拥有在马赛附近小海湾上的一座别墅。他的三个孩子在他弥留之际回到他身边陪伴他:安吉拉是一位演员,现住在巴黎;约瑟夫爱上了一个只有他年龄一半的女人;阿曼德是唯一留在马赛经营家族小餐馆的孩子。他们是时候该好好考虑如何继承父亲的理想,以及他在这片神奇的土地上创造的社区精神。但是,在附近海湾突然出现的一群船民让他们把这一切都抛之脑后。Sixty-year-old Angèle Barberini, an actress, returns to her father's villa, situated in a beautiful creek near Marseille. She left the place twenty years before following a terrible trauma she experienced there, swearing never to come back. But now Maurice, her genitor, who has just been the victim of a stroke is persistent vegetative, with no hope of recovery and her presence is needed. Her two brothers, Joseph, an embittered retired worker, and Armand, the manager of the local restaurant, welcome her. They must look to the future and decide what measures to take concerning the villa and the restaurant. But the past, on the other hand, has its say.