一般法庭审案电影多将剧情重点放在控辩双方于庭上的唇枪舌剑,本片则别出心裁将主题拉到原告与被告双方律师的身上,因为他们的身份是父女。吉恩.哈克曼饰演从六十年代走过来的理想主义分子,专门替弱势族群打官方,希望在并不健全的资本主义社会制度下为这些被压逼者争取权利。玛丽.伊丽莎白.马斯特兰托尼奥则是典型的九十年代实用主义者,在旧金山的顶尖律师事务所服务,正争取成为公司的合伙人。父女俩道不同不相为谋,平常不相往来,如今却因为一宗控告汽车公司故意出产危害乘客安全的车种而互相对簿公堂,于是在公私方面都构成了强烈的矛盾。导演迈克尔.艾普泰德表现称职。Jed Ward is an attorney who specializes in whistle blower, David vs. Goliath, type cases. He finds a client who is suing an auto company over a safety problem that has had a severe effect on his life after the accident. He must replace the current attorney and be ready for trial quickly, and then he finds that the defense attorney will be his estranged daughter.