瑞士阿尔卑斯山脉地区之上有一个小镇生活着Ursli的一家,包括他的父母、家里的动物以及他的好伙伴Sereina。Ursli是个地道的大山的孩子,却有着不同一般的神奇能力:他能理解动物的语言。夏末来临,Ursli和他的父母下山走向村庄,骑着马车运送他们的收成,然而,所有的汗水换来的努力都葬送在了一处悬崖边。眼看冬天降临,而全家的经济收入都成了泡影,Ursli不得不放弃自己心爱的山羊把它交到店主坏心眼的儿子手中,可是这些依然不能填补他们的债务。 在Chalandamarz节的除夕夜里,按照山里的习俗,每人都会收到一个代表辞旧迎新的铃,Ursli收到的却是最小的一个,为了给全家找到最大的铃,Ursli最终决定亲自到山顶上的小屋里寻找……A boy must brave deep winter snow to obtain an important family keepsake. Before he can even start this difficult journey he must first help his family survive financial ruin, rescue his beloved pet goat, and with his best friend, outwit a bratty bully who seems out to get him at every turn. Will he make it back to the village in time to celebrate the end-of-winter holiday of Chalandamarz?