自幼接受淑女教育的美丽女孩小森谷芭子(上户彩 饰)生活在一个富足幸福的四口之家,不谙世事的她因与一名牛郎陷入恋情乃至获罪入狱。结束了七年刑期,芭子重返社会,对于没有任何社会经验的她来说,生活仿佛从零开始。当年因她的事件,身为社长的父亲郁郁而终,母亲(浅野温子 饰)和弟弟(大东骏介 饰)则选择与之断绝关系。在此艰难时刻,狱中结识的好友江口绫香(饭岛直子 饰)适时施以援手。这两个各自有着不堪过去的女性相互搀扶,尽管前方黑暗重重,充满艰辛,她们仍拭干眼泪,朝着心中憧憬的光明未来前进。在此过程中,她们也温暖着他人的心灵…… 本片根据乃南アサ的原著改编。Hako was sentenced to 7 years in prison on a robbery charge for the host she loved. Ayaka killed her husband to protect their son from domestic violence. These two women became acquainted in prison and forged strong bonds. After they are released from prison, they stay together and begin new lives in the old district of Yanaka in Tokyo while carrying pasts that no one must not know.