根据普希金的《小悲剧》及其他作品改编。 第一集: 《浮士德中的一场》 《埃及之夜》(小说) 《莫扎特与萨利埃里》 第二集: 《吝啬的骑士》 《埃及之夜》(小说) 《石像客》 《别墅里宾客盈门……》(未尽小说) 《小广场一角……》(未尽小说) 《晚上,我们在别墅里度过……》(未尽小说) 第三集: 《石像客》 《鼠疫时期的宴会》 《“有个骑士,家境贫穷……”》(自《骑士时代的几个场景》)Having just entered puberty, bride (Dilan Aksüt) had been forced to marry with groom (Ilyas Salman) whom returned to his hometown after doing many years of jail time and more than fifty years older than her. At first she was afraid, she cries, even resists, having equipped with patchy and second hand sayings, she did not know what is going to happen to her. Sitting in the nuptial chamber with horror, she will start to face with realities after grandfather-aged groom steps into the room.