1917年德国的女间谍玛塔前往巴黎从事秘密任务,收集重要的战争情报,她是一名双重间谍,也是一名舞者,能够伪装各种不同身份与不同性别。但她不幸的爱上了一个苏联少尉,最终将她推向灾难…… 影片《魔女玛塔》改编自第一次世界大战期间风靡全球的真实间谍玛塔·哈丽的故事。 葛丽泰·嘉宝在片中成功地诠释了黑色女人的经典,立体呈现了她复杂的心态,在出场充满异国情调的舞蹈中,更把女主角让男人神魂颠倒,甚至愿意为她阴谋叛变的神韵尽现银幕。During World War I, Mata Hari is a German spy, working in Paris. She has already seduced the Russian general Shubin, and has now set her eyes on lieutenant Rosanov, a young up-and-coming officer. In order to get her hand on secret documents in his possession, she spends a night with him. But the secret police is on to her, only waiting to get enough evidence to arrest her.