龙仔,是龙形拳掌门人余英年之独子,原是学武材料,偏是正途功夫不学,专学偷机。余英年患有难言隐疾,三年必发一次。 今日猝然再发,己是十八年来第六次。这时,忽来一名神秘白衣士上门挑战,余英年带病迎战,败在白衣秀才手下,及后伤重去世……An exiled member of the Dragon Boxing sect, Ling Ko Fung, arrives in town to claim leadership of the sect by challenging Lung Chen Tien in a duel. The winner of the duel will receive the sacred golden tablet and become sect leader. Lung Chen Tien dies after the match but Ling Ko Fung notices that the tablet is a fake and vows to obtain the original at any cost!