动画片《抢劫坚果店2》北美定档2017年5月19日,一群小动物保护过冬粮食的故事将迎来2.0版。尽管2014年的《抢劫坚果店》口碑略扑街,但全球票房还是达到了1.2亿美元,创造了独立动画影片的全球票房纪录。前作配音威尔·阿奈特、凯瑟琳·海格尔等人将在续集中回归,看捣蛋鬼们如何抵御外敌、保护家园。Surly and his friends, Buddy, Andie, and Precious, discover that the mayor of Oakton City is cracking one big hustle to build a giant amusement park, which in turn will bulldoze their home. The animals must stop the mayor, his daughter, and a mad animal control officer in order to take back the city park.